Monday, January 21, 2008

Coming Full Circle

Four years ago today I started my 2-month internship with the Utah Legislature. I got up before dawn to catch a bus from Orem to Salt Lake and walked up the hill to the Capitol, where I worked as the only staff member for two Representatives. Each morning I faithfully clipped newspaper articles and got copies of proposed bills for my rerpresentatives to read, and then during the afternoon I researched issues, relayed communications from reporters and constituents, and sat in on committee meetings. Then it was back down the hill, on to the bus, for the long ride home.

While this might seem rather mundane for a day job, there was an electric current a the Capital, knowing that decisions made there affected every Utahn, and that my representatives, along with others, were solely responsible. Sappy, I know, but it's true.

This morning, as I listened to the sessions via the webcast, I realized that this was the first session of the Legislature in the Capitol since I left it! Memories of our own legislative battles, four years past, ensued. I watched as the interns filed in for introductions, eager to make their own small footprint in Utah history.

I was filled with appreciation for the legislators who truly want a better future for Utah. Let's show them some thanks! Find your representatives and say hello!

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